- Prune evergreens and spring-flowering hedges
- Sow Lawn seed once soil warms
- Plant bare root nursery stock
- Spray for fire blight at apple blossom time
- Sow wild flower seeds and native grasses
- Fertilize, mow and water lawn
- Sow cool-season vegetable seeds (early May)
- Sow warm-season vegetable seeds (late)
- Prepare dahlias, gladiolus and begonias
- Fertilize evergreens
- Sow annual flower seeds
- Apply fruit tree sprays after blossoms fall
- Transplant evergreens
- Plant strawberries & raspberries
- Bait for slugs
- Plant geraniums & other annuals in late May (protect from frost)
- Fertilize shrubs & trees if needed
- Harvest rhubarb & asparagus